Hover Kart Go Kart Adjustable Attachment for 6.5″ Hoverboard Buggy – Red

Original price was: ₦65,000.00.Current price is: ₦39,999.00.

Product details

Hover Kart Go Kart Adjustable Attachment for 6.5″ Hoverboard Buggy – Red Two steering handles make the ride secure and it is simple to operate easily, this unique frame will give your kids an excellent experience and can let them unplug their electronics and provide a fun way to build up their muscles and practice essential motor-skills. It is an amazing ride for your family to enjoy, it’s really easy to install and smooth riding. It can let your body keep balance and keep it all interesting while driving and allow you to get exciting experience on flat land without falling. This will turn any Hoverboard into a hoverbuggy! Just think you can have your very own dune buggy and cruise around the neighborhood! #1 Hoverboard go kart aka Hoverboard go cart!
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